UDC 355.43(497+560)
Biblid: 0025-8555, 62(2010)
Vol. 62, No 4, pp. 691-714
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2298/MEDJP1004691J

Оriginal article
Received: 15 Sep 2010
Accepted: 15 Oct 2010


JEFTIĆ-ŠARČEVIĆ Nevenka (Dr Nevenka Jeftić-Šarčević, naučni saradnik u Institutu za međunarodnu politika i privredu, Beograd), jeftic@diplomacy.bg.ac.rs

The changes in internal and external policies are under way in Turkey. The secular state was threatened what has been followed by the process of revitalisation and affirmation of the Islamic tradition in Turkey. The state project “Turkey’s Strategic Vision 2023” has been worked out. It provides increase in its power that would turn Turkey from a regional power into a global factor. This requires radical changes in its foreign policy. Apart from the Islamic factor, Turkey’s plans are based on the geopolitical position of this country that sees itself as a hub of energy flows and the future centre of the three continents – Africa, Asia, and Europe. One of the steps towards those changes is the process of desecuritasion and securitisation that includes revitalisation of the religious factor. Radical changes in the Turkish foreign policy also include the Western Balkans as one the priorities of its close surroundings.

Keywords: Turkey’s strategic vision, Turkey’s project “Strategic Depth” and Western Balkans, co-operation between Turkey and Serbia