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International Problems

International Problems is a peer-reviewed journal of Institute of International Politics and Economics, according to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia valued as M23 (international journal). Its first issue appeared in April 1949, which makes International Problems the oldest periodical in Serbia and in the region publishing research articles dedicated to various aspects of international relations.more details


Latest issue: International problems Vol. 76 No. 1/2024


Editorial Note
International problems, 2024 76(1):7-9
The EU’S human security based approach towards energy poverty
International problems, 2024 76(1):11-32
Abstract ▼
The phenomenon of energy poverty shows that energy issues, traditionally linked with international, regional, and national levels of analysis, have wider economic and political causes that are being manifested at the community and individual levels as well. Latest energy crisis across the European continent, coped with some structural factors such are resource scarcity, energy transition, and war between Russia and Ukraine, emphasized individualistic consequences of the ongoing energy processes. The fact that approximately 42 million people in the EU are affected by energy poverty put the phenomenon of the energy poverty very high at the EU agenda. Clear connection of this topic with human security concept made the phenomenon of energy poverty justifiable to be analysed from the people-centred perspective. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to highlight human security approach as a solid framework for understanding and analysis of the energy poverty phenomenon in the EU. Review of the significant academic knowledge base on this phenomenon, secondary data analysis from the relevant European surveys related to this issue, and analysis of adequate EU policies and practices combating energy poverty will serve to outline state-of-play when it comes to the energy poverty and human security nexus at the EU level.
Cyberspace and Sovereignty in Public International Law
International problems, 2024 76(1):33-54
Abstract ▼
The paper studies the manifestation of cyberspace in the context of the principle of sovereignty as a fundamental principle of public international law. It is a young phenomenon that is still difficult to define in a clear way in the international community. The author analyzes whether, to what extent, and which formal sources of public international law apply to cyberspace. The analysis focuses on three central sources of public international law – international treaties, international customs and general legal rules. Cyberspace is then analyzed from two angles. The first, external aspect of the analysis seeks an answer to the question of whether, first of all, states as central subjects of international public law, but also the international community and to what extent, have sovereignty over cyberspace. Second, internal segment of the analysis is aimed at determining whether cyberspace has its own sovereignty. The paper briefly reviews the perspectives of the leading world powers, above all the United States of America, the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. The author concludes that it is necessary to continue working on the regulation of cyberspace, primarily through the institutions of the United Nations. Only regulation at this level can provide the necessary legal regulations that will adequately regulate a specific area such as cyberspace.
Characteristics of Cyberspace as a Distinct Domain of Conflict: A Case Study of U.S. Strategic Operations
International problems, 2024 76(1):55-86
Abstract ▼
In this paper, I intend to contribute to the systematic study of cyber strategies and policies by offering a synthesis of key events and findings on state actions in cyberspace after 2007. Such a synthesis implies tracing the processes that contributed to the beginning of the militarization of cyberspace from 2007 to 2013. Then, it implies defining the basic characteristics of cyberspace that determine the actions of states, among which are: the democratic character; high potential for human error; attribution problem; technical volatility; and time and speed constraints. Finally, the synthesis includes a concrete example of the influence of key characteristics on the strategic behavior of the USA. Based on the analysis of the strategic documents of the USA and the analysis of the previous behavior of this country, I argue that the theory of \\\\\\\"persistent engagement\\\\\\\", which in its construction considers the aforementioned characteristics, remains the backbone of the USA\\\\\\\'s behavior in cyberspace.
Application of Paul Collier\'s principles within the strategy for overcoming the development challenges of the Republic of Serbia as a landlocked country
International problems, 2024 76(1):87-108
Abstract ▼
This paper explores the economic features and difficulties encountered by continental nations, with a specific emphasis on the Republic of Serbia, a landlocked country. The author begins with the assertion that landlocked countries make up 38 percent of the population of the world’s poorest billion, and the absence of maritime access alone hinders their economic growth. British economist Paul Collier suggests a number of strategies that landlocked countries can implement to overcome these challenges. Even when the governments of landlocked countries implement all the planned strategies in practice, this is not a guarantee of their success, bearing in mind that a good part of them depends on external factors, primarily the will of neighbouring countries. The research methodology includes the analysis of existing public and economic policies through the prism of Collier’s strategies, which include relying on the economic growth of neighbouring countries, improving economic policies in the region, better access to the coast, tax incentives, improving air connectivity and developing the digital economy, encouraging remittances, creating a transparent environment for investors in the field of natural resources, rural development and attracting foreign aid, in the form of a case study of the Republic of Serbia. The aim of the research is to examine how the strategies of Paul Collier, developed on the basis of his experiences in other landlocked countries, can be applied in the Republic of Serbia, in order to overcome these challenges. The results of the research show that, although the public and economic policies of the Republic of Serbia de facto correspond to Collier’s strategies to a large extent, there is no single national strategic framework for overcoming the development challenges that are a consequence of the lack of access to the sea, and this indicates room for improving existing and introducing new national strategies in order to find systematic solutions to the problem of the landlocked status of the Republic of Serbia.

Book review

Who is to blame for the Second Cold War?
International problems, 2024 76(1):111-115